Think you’re ready for the FLSA implementation deadline on December 1?
Here’s why it’s important to take action now:
- Those being paid less than $913.00 per week ($47,476.00 per year), will not qualify for exempt status, irrespective of the nature of their duties or the fact that they are being paid on a salary (vs. hourly) basis.
- Exemption requires that the employee: (a) be paid on a salary basis; (b) meet the salary threshold; AND (c) that their duties meet the “duties test” for the so-called “white collar” exemptions for Executive, Administrative and Professional positions. Note that neither job titles nor the manner in which an employee is paid (salaried vs. hourly) are determinative of exempt status.
FLSA Compliance Checklist:
- Make a list of all employees currently classified as ‘Exempt’ and their current salaries.
- Review job descriptions and job duties.
Complete this employee inventory sheet for quick and easy reference.
- Evaluate employees currently classified as ‘Exempt’ to determine if they meet the criteria for exemption because of salary threshold, duties test, or both.
Review the basic requirements for exemption.
- Wondering what corrective actions you can take for employees currently classified as ‘Exempt’ who do not meet the criteria for exemption?
Want more information? Contact our Employment Law Group.