In August 2024, Pennsylvania made some important updates to its real estate laws through Act 52. If you’re buying or selling property in Pennsylvania, especially …
In August 2024, Pennsylvania made some important updates to its real estate laws through Act 52. If you’re buying or selling property in Pennsylvania, especially …
Very few topics (other than politics) are presently as divisive as the use of short-term rentals (“STR”). For those of you unfamiliar, a STR is …
As many property owners are aware, while the Federal Government has acknowledged tax deferred exchanges for quite some time, as of the 2023 tax year …
On July 11, 2022, Governor Tom Wolf signed into law Act 57 of 2022 (“Act 57”), which amended the Local Tax Collection Law, Act 394 …
In the current market, buyers are doing anything to make offers more competitive. From waiving inspections and financing contingencies, to offering a free week-long stay …
The word “wholesale” usually implies, as supported by the common definition of the word found in the dictionary, the sale of some type of good …
In November of 2019, I wrote an article called Just What Kind of Agent Are You, Anyway? In this article, I discussed the various types …
By today’s standards, most would agree that five days is all but an eternity. With extremely low inventory and buyers willing to pay over asking …
Several calls on the Hotline in recent months have been about one particular topic: “When can a seller or (more often), listing agent, refuse access …
If you’re a real estate investor, you’ve probably heard of a tax sale and sheriff’s sale. Both deal with properties that have been ceded to …
If you’ve been contacted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) or another entity that plans to convert your property to public use, it’s most …
Several calls on the hotline these past few months have been in regard to one particular question: what kind of agency relationship exists between an …
Electronic advertising of real estate services is now as common as signing documents with the click of a mouse, scheduling an inspection or getting access …
The Assistance and Service Animal Integrity Act, Act 118 of 2018, (the “Act”), in effect as of December 23, 2018, seeks to clarify many of …
The Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® (PAR) recently published a revised Standard PAR form Agreement of Sale to address two (2) main areas: 1) when a …
On September 27, 2018, the York County Tax Claim Bureau (the “Bureau”) will be conducting the 2018 Upset Tax Sale. The sale will be held …
A recent Superior Court decision concerning the Real Estate Seller Disclosure Law (“RESDL”) has sparked a concern in the real estate industry that when a …
On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 851 into law as Act 38 of 2018 (“Act 38”). Act 38 amends the Real …
At their April 4, 2018 meeting, the County Commissioners of York County, Pennsylvania, approved the creation of a Land Bank Authority for the purpose of …
As a real estate agent, you’ve likely conducted many private showings for your clients. But were they really as “private” as they seemed? Well, not …
Anyone closely reviewing recent commitments for title insurance may have come across a new notice under Schedule B: “Notice: Please be aware that due to …
Senate Bill 560 was signed into law on July 7, 2017. As previously reported, the new law excludes the interception of certain communications to law …
On June 20, 2017, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that police motor vehicle recordings (MVRs, otherwise known as dash-cameras) are not automatically exempt from disclosure …
Recently, many clients seem to be asking the same question: can a Seller really make a Buyer use a certain inspection company, mortgage lender, or …
This can be one of the first questions a buyer asks after purchasing an investment property. Whether that owner is purchasing a large commercial property …
The fast-paced society in which we now live, with information and communication accessible at our fingertips from the moment we wake up until the moment …
Most people would agree that in the last few decades’ the use of technology has grown exponentially. With this growth, individuals and businesses have struggled …
A landlord of a commercial, as compared to a residential, property has many more options for enforcing the lease and collecting delinquent rent or seeking …
As any landowner knows, there are a variety of land use codes and ordinances, the enforcement of which can have a drastic impact on a …
In South Central Pennsylvania, it is a little known fact that the Pennsylvania Consolidated County Assessment Law (the “Law”) affords School Districts and Municipalities, as …
The new RESPA rules require a buyer to have a minimum of three days to review the final settlement sheet (Closing Disclosure) before closing takes …
The goals are as follows: Easier-to-use mortgage disclosure forms. Improve consumer understanding. Aid comparison shopping. Prevent surprises at closing table. Time will tell.
First and foremost, the new Truth and Lending Regulations hold the lender alone responsible for specific closing cost disclosure violations Penalties include: $4,000.00 per violation; …
T = The Truth and Lending Act (TILA) R = The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) I = Integrated D = Disclosure What does …
On June 10, 2015, House Bill 341 (the “Bill”) passed both the Pennsylvania Senate and House of Representatives. The Bill amends the Pennsylvania Seller’s Disclosure …
On June 10, Governor Wolf announced that beginning July 25, 2015, the $20.00 fee for criminal background checks required pursuant to the Child Protective Services …
So, assume Buyers promptly and in good faith make a mortgage loan application in conformance with the terms of their Agreement of Sale. Bad news …
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