When Decisions Matter.

Hershner Provides a History Lesson, The Politics of Slavery: From Jefferson to Lincoln

Attorney Ron Hershner may practice law professionally, but his passion lies within history! Holding a degree with Honors in History from Dickinson College, Ron frequently speaks on topics of York County and American History. Additionally, he is the author of four books on York County history.

On September 28, 2020, Mr. Hershner provided an overview of how slavery dominated national politics, both openly and subtly, in the nineteenth century from Jefferson to Lincoln, the rise of sectional hostility, and the abolition movement. The lesson examined the emergence of the Republican Party and the fracturing of the Democratic Party.

Ron presented for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State York, an organization established to enrich the lives of mature adults living in York County by providing various educational and social activities. He is a regular OLLI speaker.

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