Leave a Legacy® York County Steering Committee appointed Estate Attorney Mac Brillhart as its next Chair.
For over a decade, Mac has been a professional adviser for this volunteer-run program designed to inspire people to make a charitable bequest. Leave a Legacy® York County, a program of the York County Bar Foundation, was established in 1999 by a coalition of attorneys, trust officers, accountants, insurance agents, planners and non-profit development officers who wanted to bring awareness of charitable planned giving to York County.
When asked about beginning his first two-year term as Chair, Mac shared, “I’m honored to become LAL’s next Steering Committee chair. Leave A Legacy’s work in promoting charitable planned gifts within the York County community is critical in sustaining our local nonprofit sector.”
Leave a Legacy® York County strengthens the community by:
– Assisting York County nonprofit organizations in promoting bequests and planned gifts.
– Encouraging York County professional advisers to include charitable giving in the estate planning process.
– Publicly promoting planned giving.