When Decisions Matter.

Attorney McGuire Assumes Lead Role in Local Wills For Heroes Initiative

Stock and Leader Estate Planning Attorney Kristen McGuire assumes the role of York County Coordinator of the Wills For Heroes (WFH) initiative. On September 9, from 10:00-5:00 p.m., volunteer attorneys, paralegals, and event staff will gather all day at the Penn State York Lee R. Glatfelter Library to assist in preparing (free) estate planning documents for first responders, veterans, and their significant others throughout the county.

After the 9/11 attacks, the Wills for Heroes Foundation established the “Wills for Heroes” program to provide first responders and veterans with fully executed, witnessed, and notarized wills, living wills, health care, and financial powers of attorney, free of charge.

In 2010, the York County Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section launched the Wills for Heroes program in partnership with the Wills for Heroes Foundation, the Wills for Heroes Pennsylvania, and Leave a Legacy® York County. Stock and Leader Partner Mac Brillhart was instrumental in bringing this national program to the local community and had served as the WFH York County Coordinator since its inception. The York County Bar Association shares that to date, 585 veterans, police officers, firefighters, other emergency services personnel, and their significant others have received this important legal service.

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